Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Stink Bomb Recipes - How to Make Your Own

Stink bombs smell terrible, but they are also fun. Here are instructions for how to use everyday materials to make your own stink bombs. Classic Egg Stink Bomb Recipe Eggs (fresh or hardboiled)Heavy duty needle or pin One version of this results from hiding Easter eggs really well, so that you find them when youre changing the air filter for your air conditioner in the summer. Did you catch my I have personal experience tone? If you want to recreate the stench on purpose you dont have to boil the eggs. Just use a heavy duty pin or needle to poke through the shell of the egg. You can leave the egg in the sun to putrefy, wrapped in foil if you like. I have read that if you want to keep this stink bomb for an extended period of time, it helps to store the egg in salt. I dont know for sure. I am sure when you throw or crush the egg you can expect the usual hydrogen sulfide stink and possibly some nasty odors of decay. This is probably your safest stink bomb. Hydrogen sulfide, which is the source of the famous rotten egg smell deadens your sense of smell and can be toxic in high doses. Your average rotten egg doesnt pose any major health hazard (unless you eat it), but in general you dont want to breat he in sulfur-based gases. Nasty Burning Hair Rubber Stink Bomb Hair or furRubber bandsNewspaper or notebook paperMatches or a lighter If rotten eggs arent stinky enough for you, you can wad up some hair (human hair, cat fur, dog hair... all equally disgusting), secure the hair with rubber bands, wrap the mass in notebook paper, and set it alight. Youll get suspended, since the only reason anyone uses this type of stink bomb is for a school prank. Personally, I recommend you stick with rotting seafood or or a bad egg, since burning rubber probably generates some toxic compounds. Prank stink bombs usually release ammonium sulfide. Its fairly easy to make an ammonium sulfide stink bomb, but its not as safe as throwing a rotten egg or burning hair. Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.  Fireworks and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense.  By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent About, Inc. (a/k/a Dotdash), and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website.  The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Example Of Handicap Remuneration - 1276 Words

On the off chance that youve been denied handicap remuneration from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) or trust your incapacity ought to have gotten a higher rating, you have the privilege to bid the VA choice. You might have the capacity to win an interest in the event that you can demonstrate that the VA committed an error on your claim; for example, the VA assessed your handicap under the wrong code in the Schedule of Rating Disabilities, which gave you a lower rating. In some cases, veterans are prevented benefits in light of the fact that from claiming procedural mix-ups made by the VA (Wadsworth, n.d.). The following is a survey of some regular lawful blunders the VA influences that you to can offer. Inability to Notify You†¦show more content†¦The VA is required to give this exam when there isnt adequate therapeutic proof in the record and there is: confirm that you have a present handicap prove that you encountered an in-benefit occasion or damage, and prove that the in-benefit occasion may have caused the present incapacity (Wadsworth, n.d.). The Medical Examination or Opinion Was Inadequate: On the off chance that the VA provided a required restorative examination, it must meet certain prerequisites. For instance, the VA doctor or therapeutic supplier ought to be proficient in the kind of incapacity being assessed. The specialist must clarify in detail the thinking behind his or her feeling about whether the present handicap is connected to benefit and should give a genuine assessment about whether this linkage exists or not (Wadsworth, n.d.). Lacking Explanation of Decision: In the event that you spoke to the Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA), the BVA is required to incorporate into its choices an exchange of the realities and law on which the choice is based. You will require a lawyers assistance to check whether the BVA neglected to legitimately address therapeutic or lay proof that helped your case. Counsel with a VA incapacity lawyer to decide whether this is a reason for bid for your situation (Wadsworth, n.d.). The ethical issue with the 1,700 veterans that did not receive the proper care range from a land of many mistakes. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Outline the Main Principles of Utilitarianism Free Essays

Outline the main principles of utilitarianism Utilitarianism is a teleological theory. Three main philosophers have come up with different types of utilitarianism these being: Bentham, Mill and Singer. Bentham introducing the idea of Act Utilitarianism, Mill adapting the ideas of Bentham and trying improve the flaws he saw with his Rule utilitarianism and Singer with his preference utilitarianism theory. We will write a custom essay sample on Outline the Main Principles of Utilitarianism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bentham was hedonist, meaning he was a pleasure seeker. Bentham portrayed two main features of utilitarianism, one being the consequentialist principle. The consequentialist principle states that the rightness or wrongness of an act is determined by the goodness or badness of the results that flow from it this shows the teleological side of the theory. The second feature portrayed is the Utility principle this is â€Å"the greatest good for the greatest number. † But Bentham being a hedonist devised his own twist on this and stated that his principle would be â€Å"the greatest pleasure for the greatest number. † As he believed â€Å"nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters’ pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as what we shall do. † Bentham said if an event brought more pleasure and avoided pain then it was seen as good. Bentham devised a way of measuring pleasure and this was known as the hedonic calculus it was based on a quantitative scale and the seven aspects to help you calculate whether something was painful or pleasurable were: Duration, Remoteness, Purity, Richness, Intensity, Certainty and Extent. These factors all made up the Hedonic calculus. Bentham’s utilitarian theories and ideas are usually linked with the idea of Act utilitarianism. Act Utilitarianism says that the principle of utility should be applied to every individual situation. It states that a person should act when the anticipated result brings the most pleasure. One of the main principles of Utilitarianism is Act utilitarianism and Bentham idealism of this. Mill was Bentham’s godson, Mill adopted he godfathers ideas of utilitarianism but he saw flaws in his definition of the utility principle as Bentham viewed pleasure as being the main point of utility instead of good. Mill challenged his theory by trying to distinguish happiness from mere pleasure. Mill’s version of the theory is often referred to as â€Å"Eudaimonistic utilitarianism†. He defines happiness with his idea of higher and lower pleasures; higher pleasures usually linked with expanded your capacity for knowledge for example a higher pleasure would be reading Shakespeare as it’s increasing your knowledge. A lower pleasure would be seen as eating a McDonalds as it’s not seen to benefit your knowledge in any way. Mill’s utilitarian theory is linked with Rule-utilitarianism. Rule utilitarianism being one of the two classical types of utilitarianism, the other being act seen in Bentham’s theory. Act utilitarianism is the idea that an act is only right if it follows set rules to bring out the greater good for society. Act Utilitarianism is then broke down into â€Å"Weak rule† and â€Å"Strong rule†. Weak rule is the idea that you can actually break that rule if you believe it is going to bring the greater good. Strong Rule is the idea that once the rule has been agreed upon as being the best for society. You cannot break it, no matter what. It is believed that Mill is more a â€Å"Weak rule† utilitarian as the â€Å"strong rule† is moving towards a more absolutist approach. The last well known theory of utilitarianism is the most recent which was devised by a man named Peter Singer. Singer came up with a type of utilitarianism known as â€Å"preference utilitarianism†. Preference utilitarianism promotes actions that fulfil the interests of those beings involved. Singer believes you should have your best interest at heart to minimise any sort of pain. An interesting point to Singer’s theory is that he believed everyone was equal. He believed in animal rights that every conscious creature should have equal rights and be taken into consideration. How to cite Outline the Main Principles of Utilitarianism, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Canada Labour Code BC Labour Relations

Question: Discuss about Comparison and Contrast of the Provisions in the Canada Labour Code with those in the BC Labour Relations Code. Answer: The Canada Labour Code and the BC Labour Relations Code both give every employee the freedom of association along with the right of organising themselves for promoting and defending their employment related interests. This way they can bargain collectively by being a member of the trade union and participating in its lawful activities. However, in Canada certification to the trade union by the Canada Labour Relations Board is necessary before collecting bargaining can start. The workers as a group are given the right of negotiating the working conditions and the employers are under a duty to bargain with the union by maintaining good faith when union representation has been chosen by a majority of the workers. Under both the codes, the right of the workers to strike is limited to a greater extent. Under both the codes, workers can participate in legal strikes only when the collective agreement comes to an end. In Canada however, prior to work stoppage the majority must vote for this stoppage through secret ballot. A 72 hours notice is to be given to the Minister of Labour before strikes or lockouts and he may appoint a board, commissioner or conciliation officer for mediating the negotiations while in case of BC, if the union and the employer are not able to come to an agreement, picketing, lockouts and strikes are permitted by the Code for pursuing the demands of bargaining but this comes with some legal constraints. The disputes need to be resolved by arbitration or any other method which the parties agree to, without stopping the work (Government of Canada, 2016) (Province of British Columbia, 2003). Bibliography Government of Canada, 2016. Justice Laws Website. [Online] Available at: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/l-2/ [Accessed 25 August 2016]. Province of British Columbia, 2003. Guide To The British Columbia Labour Relations Code. [Online] Available at: https://www.lrb.bc.ca/codeguide/guide.pdf [Accessed 25 August 2016].

Friday, November 29, 2019

5 Steps on How to Sound like Mozart in a Music Term Paper Full Guide

5 Steps on How to Sound like Mozart in a Music Term Paper Full Guide Everyone has apparently heard about such a great composer as Mozart. His symphonies are surely listened by thousands all over the world. In fact, his musical works have been celebrated, studied, and performed when he hardly began composing music. Always want to know what inspires people to create prominent art pieces? We hope that our complete guide on how to write a music term paper will be effective for writing your music term paper. As an academic paper is referred to music, get inspired by the famous Mozart’s works to establish fame as a brilliant student at a college or university. What Topics Can Be Covered in My Term Paper? As a term paper is the main research that is written by a student for a particular class or subject during the school year, the topics must: Refer to the subject in which you are going to write a paper. If you’re a student of Music, find a topic that would be related to the main concepts in music genres, styles, history, expressive techniques, etc. Limit the research area in which you’re going to investigate a topic. If a topic is too broad or narrow, it will be difficult to research. Even if the research area is Music, specify what you’re going to work on. Be reasonably practical in the academic world. If a topic interests only you as a researcher (maybe, it seems to you that it is easy to deal with it), be sure that it may be of little interest among the others. Choose the topic that could double the value of your work. The following list of topics meets all the criteria above mentioned. All of them are divided into subcategories. Just look at the topics and start to work on one of them. Genres of music. There are various genres of music to speak about. Don’t talk about taste in music. Be objective while presenting genres. For example, you can explain how they affect the listener. Orchestral and Symphonic Music: Main Features that Attract the Listener; Jazz Age: Its Role in World Culture; Reggae Music: Identity, Place, and Representatives. History of music. According to the BBC article, the prehistory of music begins about 40,000 years ago. It means there are some issues that can interest the modern scientists. Early Humans and Music: What Are the First Forms of Music Expression; The History of Country Music: From the Early 1920s to Present; The Origins of Popular Music: Its Distribution to Large Audiences. Philosophy of music. By nature, a human being is always engaged in philosophical speculation. Music is an area in which people have different philosophical perspectives as well. Musical Perceptions Differ from Generation to Generation; A Phenomenology of Music: What Is Beyond the Sound Phenomena?; Aesthetics of Music: What Makes Music Aesthetically Pleasing? Music in Commercials. Nowadays, music is everywhere. Many commercial companies use music as an effective way to influence an audience. Does Really Music Affect Brand Perception?; The Meaning of Music for Commercial Needs: What Works, What Doesn’t and Why; What Types of Music Are Used by Commercials? Music as therapy. Today it is possible to receive treatment in different ways. One such means is music therapy. The Effects of Music Therapy on Human Health: Is It Effective Today?; Practical Means of Using Music with the Therapeutic Effect; Approaches to Music Therapy Used in the 21st Century. If you decide to deal with the topics suggested in the list, you should read all the available background material. It allows you to: get an overview of the topic; know how many information sources you can rely on; appreciate the research rationale. How to Select a Topic for My Term Paper by Doing It Myself? After all, find it hard to know what topic exactly suits your academic interest? You have several options choose something interesting from our list or invent your own. Try to choose the most valuable one on your own like the ability to develop a good research topic is not less important than the writing skills. Focus on keywords or concepts that may be interesting for you in Music. Like composers and their outstanding artworks? Write them down. Proceeding from keywords, you can go ahead. Define the narrow aspect from which you’ll use the keywords. Want to discuss the effects of music on human beings? It isn’t a good idea to investigate this issue from the perspective of musical trends. Focus on your research questions. Know what you want to cover in a research paper? Great! Specify the questions that you want to answer while researching. Start researching a topic to answer questions. Asked yourself but don’t know the detailed answers to the research questions? You can read the encyclopedia articles, for example, the Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Don’t be afraid to modify your topic during the research process. After you decide on what topic you’ll explore on paper, be ready to change it slightly. This is normal practice when a researcher finds some aspects more interesting and feasible. Remember that you need to do some research and reading before the final topic can be selected. On these grounds, it is reasonable to think of writing a term paper in advance. What Strategies Are Effective for My Term Paper Writing? Most college students are so impatient that skip the essential stage prewriting. As a rule, such impatience often turns out to be costly. Moreover, the kind of writing without proper preparation can be much more time-consuming than you can imagine. What is better for a carpenter to prepare all necessary wooden objects beforehand and then work with them altogether, or work with a wooden object, then go to the woods to take one more, and do it again and again? Think of the writing process like in any job. Take enough time to plan and get your ideas organized on paper. Only after that, you should start the first draft. The Writing Center of the University of Kansas offers some useful prewriting strategies. To write a term paper, you are highly recommended to: Use mind mapping. It is a graphic way to capture all your ideas. You place a topic in the center of the page and draw a circle around it. Different words, phrases, and ideas that come to your mind are written around and circled as well. Connect the related circles. Continue as long as you have the complex map of your thoughts. Below is an example of a mind map created for the topic: ‘Cultural Production of the 21st Century: Is a Remix Reality or Invention?’ Make an outline. It is an important skill that every student should have. It involves the ability to present the main ideas or facts about something, without giving details. This way of organizing your thoughts saves greatly your time. Start freewriting. It means that you’ll start expressing all your ideas from your head on paper or computer screen in full. Concentrate on writing itself without paying attention to grammar, spelling or punctuation. Just write for 5-10 minutes non-stop. If you adopt all these strategies for your writing, be 100% sure that you will stop struggle with any written assignment. What Steps Are Vital for Writing A Research Paper? The procedure of writing is definite and should be followed to produce an A+ term paper. Our step-by-step guide is to help you to know the peculiarities of good academic papers. 1.  Ã‚   Hunt for Information Sources Asking, â€Å"Where to find sources that would add credibility to my research paper?† Firstly, you should know what type of information is needed: Want to know the latest news? Visit such broadcast media sites as BBC or PBS. Need the background information? Consult an encyclopedia. Want to underpin your paper with the statistical data? Click on the statistical portal. Need research on a topic? Find scholarly articles by subject from the database. Need information on music events? Scroll the website of a popular magazine. Secondly, you should know 3 types of sources: Primary sources present the original materials on which your research can be based. They are speeches, reports, articles, surveys, dissertations, recordings, artworks, etc. Secondary sources contain the information provided by primary sources. Examples of secondary sources are bibliographies, reviews, monographs, etc. Tertiary sources provide an overview of what the topic includes (a terminology, the background information). They include dictionaries, encyclopedias, guidebooks, indexes, etc. However, they aren’t so acceptable in academic researches as the previous ones. After you find a necessary source from which you can take information for your research paper, you need to have a notebook at hand. Just write down the author’s name, some facts or evidence near it and a page number if it is a book. It will be much easier to fill in a reference page. Additionally, there are more chances to grasp some valuable ideas while browsing through resources. 2.  Ã‚   Draw an Outline of Your Term Paper Previously, we explained why it is important to outline any paper. It’s time to get prepared for excellent writing. Only if a properly structured outline is in front of your eyes, you’ll manage to structure the whole research paper properly as well. Take care to mention all the necessary points. Then, you can delete some if you consider them unessential for your term paper. 3.  Ã‚   Work on the First Draft After notetaking, creating an outline, it is quite significant to write drafts, at least a draft. It is just a rough copy that you will have to shape, edit and strengthen along the way towards an A+ term paper. Focus on the content. Measure the flow of information mentioned in an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Stick to the point; Compose logically complete parts; Vary sentence length from simple to complex. Use smooth transitions between sentences; Avoid too long sentences and too short paragraphs. 4.  Ã‚   Write the Final Version of a Term Paper Now, you’re ready to start writing a term paper with the detailed presentation of the factual evidence, a proper structure, a reasonable accuracy. Pay attention to the features of an academic paper. It should attempt to be accurate, impersonal and objective. Study some examples of writing in your subject area. Then, you can proceed to your own writing by developing your own writing style. 5.  Ã‚   Give the Finishing Touches to Your Paper Yes, you can breathe out after the full point is placed at the end of your paper. However, you shouldn’t ignore the stage where the final editing is planned. Look through your paper several times. It would be much better if you could find enough time to read it aloud several times. You’ll be able to notice all possible errors in grammar or spelling. Be as precise as possible when giving facts or figures, and providing someone’s words a name, source, year, page should be noted. Keep in mind that there is a notable difference between citation styles (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.) Check your assignment to be sure that you write according to the particular formatting style. Well done! Finally, your paper can be successfully submitted if you follow properly all the steps in pre-writing/writing/post-writing. You will notice how simple it becomes to deal with a term paper if you’re supported with the correct guidelines from your instructor or our professional custom paper writing service.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Learning About Obesity Professor Ramos Blog

Learning About Obesity I vividly remember roaming the aisles of Costco with my mom when I was about eight or nine years old. I grabbed pizza rolls from the freezer and asked my mom if we could get them and she said sternly, â€Å"Honey I am not getting you those, they are so unhealthy. Do you see that overweight lady over there? Do you want to look like her when you’re older? I didn’t think so. Put them back†. I threw a fit because I didn’t seem to care at all that pizza rolls were unhealthy, they just tasted good. Realizing now, my mom was just trying to start healthy habits for me at a young age and I am happy that she did. I no longer have to worry about obesity and the diseases and struggles that may come along with it. Obesity is growing into more of a problem today than people realize. Unhealthy lifestyles are becoming so prevalent, and they are growing harder and harder to break. Obesity is a disease that is caused by unhealthy lifestyles or genetics and can be prevented and treated in various ways. According to Stanford Health Care, there are many ways that obesity can be prevented, and the primary way is by starting with the prevention in infants. For example, breastfeeding infants for a longer period of time can make them less likely to become obese when they grow old (Obesity Prevention par. 4). As the time of breastfeeding increases, the percentage of likeliness to become overweight as an adult marginally decreases. This is interesting because as a society, breastfeeding seems to be something that parents would like to stop sooner rather than later. Obesity seen in adolescents occurs primarily due to thoughtless eating habits and lack of exercise. These habits could have been passed down from their parents, who could also be providing them with unhealthy food. Genetics can also be a factor of obesity within the youth. More thought and effort would be needed by adolescents who are born with these genes to become a healthier weight than someone without the genetics that can g enerate obesity. The prevention of obesity within adults can be aided by putting more attention to improving eating habits and expanding physical ability in their everyday lives. There are many different factors that play a part in helping prevent obesity throughout a lifetime. â€Å"Obesity is a treatable disease that is a worldwide health concern associated with having an excess amount of body fat. It is caused by genetic and environmental factors and can be difficult to control through dieting alone. Obesity is diagnosed by a healthcare provider and is classified as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater† (What is Obesity? par. 8). Obesity is an epidemic and rates have gone up quite a lot in adults, even the extremes of obesity rates have gone up a little over 7 percent. According to â€Å"What is Obesity?†, having a BMI in the range of 25-29.9 is the beginning of a health concern (What is Obesity? par. 3). At this point, this is deemed as being overweight and changes should be made in one’s lifestyle such as dieting, physical activity, and producing better eating habits. Obesity is reached when a person’s BMI reaches an amount of 30.0-39.9. When one is considered obese, it is then classified as a disease and may als o lead to other problems in a person’s health. After the general obesity level when a certain BMI is reached, a more critical level can be reached, termed severe obesity. Severe obesity is someone who passes 100 pounds or over within their respective healthy body weight. A person with a BMI over 40 has an even higher chance of health difficulties in their lives and should seek help from a professional healthcare provider. There are many simple and complex causes of obesity in this day and age, but one of these factors include psychological stress. This stress could come from everyday life, along with different problems and concerns that people may encounter. Dealing with these issues can make a person successful on dealing with obesity in other ways (What is Obesity? par. 9). In some studies, sleep deprivation has shown correlation between the amount of sleep people get and how the lack of sleep has affected a person and their weight. Moreover, there is a higher chance of being overweight if one sleeps less than people who sleep a lot (Why People Become Overweight.) The media could be seen as a potential effect on a person’s thoughts and inner conscience. Ads by companies can persuade someone to partake in eating more unhealthy. These ads are being shown everywhere causing unhealthy food to be perceived as the best option by the most famous food chains on the planet, on advertisements, such as television and billboards. A more complex factor on obesity influence is the metabolic factor which is when â€Å"levels of ghrelin, a peptide hormone known to regulate appetite, and other peptides in the stomach, play a role in triggering hunger and giving you a feeling of fullness after eating.†(Obesity Causes.) There are ways that a person’s metabolism can be regulated and fixed to fit the specific person and their lifestyle but people need to just push to take that extra step. After remembering the story about my childhood and how the simplest things like wanting to eat some pizza rolls could affect me, it made it easier to be self aware about the things that should go into my stomach. Also making the physical activities that occur easier to take part in because of the knowledge that has been gained throughout a majority of my life, including being aware of what BMI is and what and how it affects the human body across everyone’s lives and the step on how to change at least one of the things that could help in bettering life and creating a body that is ideal to work towards. Annotated Bibliography Harvard Health Publishing. â€Å"Why People Become Overweight.† Harvard Health, Harvard Medical School, June 2009, health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/why-people-become-overweight. This article talks about why people become overweight and what the factors are. There are also mentionings about the environmental causes of obesity within people. I am approaching it because I want to explain why people become obese and what factors are involved in the process of being obese. This article has a disclaimer on their reliability and comes from an â€Å".edu† Harvard Medical School source. â€Å"Obesity Causes.† Stanford Health Care (SHC) Stanford Medical Center, stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-conditions/healthy-living/obesity/prevention.html. This article will explain how to prevent obesity in many different ways. Along with explaining how obesity will be prevented, it will discuss in detail how to prevent it within certain age groups. I am talking about this article because it goes along with my theme of informing the reader on helpful actions that could be taken if needed. This information comes from Stanford’s Health Care program. â€Å"Obesity Prevention.† Stanford Health Care (SHC) Stanford Medical Center, stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-conditions/healthy-living/obesity/prevention.html. This article will explain how to prevent obesity in many different ways. Along with explaining how obesity will be prevented, it will discuss in detail how to prevent it within certain age groups. I am talking about this article because it goes along with my theme of informing the reader on helpful actions that could be taken if needed. This information comes from Stanford’s Health Care program. â€Å"What Is Obesity?† Obesity Action Coalition, obesityaction.org/get-educated/understanding-your-weight-and-health/what-is-obesity/. This article covers what obesity is, and what it means in society. Covers what the causes of obesity can be and what obesity is not. I’m approaching this article because I want to inform what obesity is and how obesity is affecting people’s lives every day. There are many different links that are affiliated with this website with other reliable sources that could have a connection to this article. Birch, L L, and A K Ventura. â€Å"Preventing Childhood Obesity: What Works?† Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 13 Apr. 2009, nature.com/articles/ijo200922. This article is going to cover the specifics of childhood obesity. Starting with talking about when the rates of being overweight starts to go up a noticeable amount in North America regarding children. I am approaching this article to be able to inform the reader about where obesity starts and could be prevented easier, as children. This source is on Google Scholar so this is a scholarly source making it reliable.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Existentialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Existentialism - Essay Example The actual life of the individual is what constitutes his or her â€Å"true essence† instead of there being a peremptorily ascribed essence used by others to define him or her. Hence, every human, through his or her own consciousness, creates his or her own value and determines a meaning to life. According to this philosophy, the source of our value can only be internal. This core view leads to several corollaries like- we have no predetermined nature or essence that controls what we are, what we do, or what is valuable for us, we are radically free to act independently without determination by outside influencers, we also create our values through these choices, we create our own human nature through these free choices, We 2 are thrown into existence first without a predetermined nature and it is only later that we construct our own nature or essence through our actions. In other words, it means, our Existence, through our act of free self creation, defines our Essence. The e xistentialist philosophy strongly suggests that the identity of any person cannot be found by examining what other people are like, but only in what that particular person has done. This implies that, we have no predetermined nature that controls what we are, or what we do. The key concepts that govern the theoretical philosophy of existentialism are Existence precedes Essence, Facticity, The Absurd, Authenticity, Angst, Despair and Opposition to Positivism and Rationalism. The theme of Existence precedes Essence which means that the most important consideration for any individual is the fact that he or she is an individual regardless of any label, role, stereotype, definition or any preconceived category the individual fits. The theme of facticity refers to the absolute realities attached to an individual like having a body and having committed certain actions independently. The theme of the absurd is the idea that there is nothing to the world beyond what meaning we see in it. The concept of Authenticity is the idea that one has to create one’s self and live according to the choices he or she makes. Angst or Anxiety, according to existential philosophy is the disposition of a person when he or she cannot live according to the choices made. Despair refers to the loss of hope when there is a dent in the Essence of an individual. 3 In summary, the philosophy of existentialism supports an individual’s free will, that an individual’s nature is defined through choices, that decisions are not without stress and consequences, that there are irrationalities in this universe, that personal responsibility and discipline is key, that society is unnatural while all social rules are arbitrary. The philosophy does not support the beliefs that wealth, honor and pleasure make a good life, social values and structure control the individual, accept the way it is, and that is sufficient in life, science is panacea for all travails, individuals are born good and are later ruined by society/environment as they age. The in-class example highlights the philosophy of existentialism from the point of view of two individuals. Here is one individual [â€Å"Existence†]. The essence that can be attributed to him is that he is a professor. He is a professor because he went through undergrad, grad and post-grad

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Essay Example d be we should be prudent in how and what form they can provide financial or political support for Israel, without exempting them from the same accountability demanded of all nations and churches regarding human rights and international law. Lee von Bockmann, James. â€Å"Review: Philosophical Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, edited by Tomis Kapitan.† Arab Studies Quarterly 21.4 (1999): 105-109. ProQuest. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Lee von Bockmann reviews the book that Kapitan edited, Philosophical Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, has the strengths of revealing the dark side of Israel as a terrorist state and a secondary genocide maker because of its violent tactics and consequences. He discusses diverse philosophical perspectives that offers different philosophical lenses for the understanding and resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Mollov, Ben, and Chaim Lavie. â€Å"Culture, Dialogue and Perception Change in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.† International Journal of Conflict Management 12.1 (2001): 69-87. ProQuest. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Mollov and Lavie conducted a survey on Palestinian and Israeli students to understand how intercultural dialogue on people-to-people levels can result to more positive perceptions of one another. These perceptions can lead to common interests that can support long-term peace aspirations in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other similar conflict settings. Naqib studies the economic effects of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on the collapse of the Oslo Accord. He asserts that the Israeli policies and actions have destabilized the Palestinian economy by limiting trade, taxation, labor market flows, and access to land, which resulted to income decline, poverty, and unemployment in Palestinian territories. He argues that two important issues are the Palestinian right of sovereignty and the right to liberate their economy from colonial reliance on Israel. Roy examines the paradigm shifts that

Monday, November 18, 2019

Career Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Career Management - Essay Example Being an international student, I have been exposed to diverse and dynamic experiences that have subsequently changed the way I perceive my life and the world in general. I have countered my home country life context to embrace the larger world. In the process, I have learnt to define the study of hotel management from a global perspective. Defining myself as an open-minded person has allowed me to dream big in the hotel management context. Although I am still in the process of building my career in hotel management, I believe my future is bright and prospective. My goal is to build a strong career portfolio as a general manager in a U.S hotel. My open-mindedness will essentially influence the pursuit towards the realization of this goal. In terms of global diversity, cultural, social, economic, and political differences observed across the world cannot be ignored. These differences are vital sources of opportunities which I can move swiftly to exploit as I build and manage my career. For this reason, my life continues to become more and more oriented towards personal and global differences that ultimately make the world a unique place for all of us. Most importantly, the plan is to combine the two aspects (open-mindedness and global diversity) to create a strategy mix that enhances my personal and professional competitiveness. It is important to note that the path to a successful career is rough and one characterized by many challenges. The ability to think critically and creatively is, therefore, fundamental. In this respect, the plan is to try and identify opportunities from a basket of challenges. In other words, the objective is to rise above academic, career, and professional challenges to become a globally competitive individual. Success is not achieved or realized overnight. Rather, it is the outcome of a progressive process that

Saturday, November 16, 2019

New Digital Technologies: Creativity and Innovation

New Digital Technologies: Creativity and Innovation How true is the debate that New Digital Technologies has enhanced our ability to be more creative and innovative? Since the dawn of time, man has continuously been inventing things which will ensure the survival of his kind. His desire to settle and to make life easier has necessitated him be innovative and creative. The necessity to keep warm made him invent new ways to make fire. For making hunting easier, he invented tools made out of stone. Thus man’s journey through time to his current state wouldn’t have been possible without the use of technology which made up for his weaknesses. New Digital technologies are allowing us spread our wings and explore specific areas which were previously possible. It has been shown that creativity depends mainly on communication and personal initiative. Innovative ideas come about when people from all walks of life come together and share task-related ideas. This gives them the opportunity to share their knowledge and expertise with the rest of the world. Every digital product we have today has passed through the creative process whereby it allows for continuous development in the technological industry. The creative process is something which takes months and even years to implement. The mobile phone is a typical innovative example which took a long time to be implemented by the public due to fear of social acceptance and lack of resources to fund the project. Certain innovative products depend heavily on social acceptance. The mobile phone was accepted because it made peoples life easier and therefore they started making use of it. This in turn facilitated more innovation because it offered faster communication between people. Another exampl e is the interactive whiteboard which was not that successful as people opted to use the normal whiteboard instead of the new high tech boards. This was because teachers deemed it as less complicated and easy to use. Even though the interactive whiteboard encourages creativity with all of its functions, people did not adopt it due to its complexity. Advancement in technology has led to faster ways of communication however certain digital technologies such as social networking and emails are hindering creativity and people are becoming lazier as it is creating a world where there is less face to face communication and people are adopting more the use of digital technology to communicate with other people. Even though technology is allowing humans to concentrate more on idea generation and less about unnecessary things, we are now facing a problem that is polluting our environments. It is having a bad effect on the younger generation because it is reducing their ability to think since they are depending more and more on technology to do the thinking for them. Creativity and innovation is something every human is born with and it can only flourish if it is nurtured. Technology in certain people’s hands can increase quality of work and idea generation while on the other hand it can also make people lazy and depend heavily on it. In the past an artist wasn’t able to make 3-D art and he could neither manipulate images with ease as he could have done with a computer application. In today’s modern era an artist is only limited by his imagination because computer applications such Photoshop and Illustrator allow him explore and create amazing things with a lot of detail and accuracy. Costs also play an important factor in innovation and creation because you need money to invest in technology in order to support your research, further your ideas and eventually sell it to the public. Another example is Microsoft word which allows for easy data transfer and in turns speeds up the innovation process as ideas are shared faster. I n order to stimulate creativity, more work should be done on personalization in technology as it provides a holistic approach for developing technology in conjunction with the outstanding creativity in action. New Digital Technology has had a great impact on manufacturing organizations because they are continuously seeking to lower their costs by introducing technology to replace physical labour. At first thought one might think that it is bad, however upon closer inspection one may see that it is allowing humans to work hand in hand with technology itself. Instead of doing physical labour, machines are allowing us to focus on using our brains to become more skilled at innovating and generating ideas. Advanced Manufacturing technology changed the definition of the job as a worker at a factory. Previously employees use to do all the work necessary to get the product finished and now all that has changed. Today employees supervise machines and make use of reprogrammable software in order to control them. The implication of this implementation is that the productivity chain produces better quality products and allows for faster output levels .Furthermore all the expenses spent that use to be spent on labour and training can now be spent on innovating new ways to further enhance productivity. Innovation plays an important role in the long term and it is necessary for the survival of organizations. A company exists in a dynamic and continuously changing environment. It is essential for a company to keep up with the pace of technology in order to survive in its own business environment. However, a company must also be aware of the needs for changes in its own organizational structure and functioning, in order to adapt itself to such a changing environment. Management of innovation is difficult because individuals adapt to their environment. It was found that innovation is affected a lot by leadership, group working, climate and problem solving style. Therefore it is of utmost importance that we include them in a model that facilitates humans to be more innovative. Technology facilitates the process of innovation with the use of prototypes. Prototypes give us a physical model of an idea which can be touched and then be refined into a better product for the consumer. Ideas ma y be innovative in theory however when they are applied to real life situations, they might end up not being as popular as expected. Therefore experiments are made in order to test their theories and see if it can be applied to enhance its current situation. Experiments on large scale projects cost a lot of money and therefore digital technology can be used cut down on costs and provide at the same time provide more detailed feedback. These experiments are done through simulation software which predicts all the possible outcomes using mathematical theories. In sum, too much addiction to the latest technological inventions seems to be a detriment to the psychological and physical health of our humans. It should be noted that a variety of technological temptations alienate person from person, even giving rise to a state of hopelessness and loneliness within us. Indulging in technology may trigger serious crises, such as academic plagiarism and moral deterioration. But on the other hand, the application of technology to all fields opens another door for us and allows us to be more creative and innovative.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Epic of Beowulf Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essays

Chivalry is Yet, Not Dead In some select stories of old/middle english, we can see that people have been fascinated by ideals of heroism, chivalry, and what we now refer to as romance for a very long time. I will argue in this document, that our fascination with such imaginary laws has never ceased, and in some ways is even more fantastic. Every further mention of romance will refer to all of these ideas, the way it did when the term was introduced into english. If all things are to be considered this short essay would turn into a book. I would like to compare and contrast Beowulf, Lanval, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight with some of the modern day creations especially in looking at the values, and belief systems in all of the three â€Å"classic† stories. I will apologize in advance to those who will read this and are not familiar to the texts that are mentioned, due to restrictions in size I must mention all of my topics without specific description of how the stories are told, please at least re ad â€Å"Beowulf† before considering this essay. Beowulf has and will live in the hearts of many people today, whether they have actually read and studied the text itself or they have merely been exposed to modern movies, books, and music that idealize a classical heroic ideal.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We might consider in this topic the modern police officer, soldier, paramedic, FBI/CIA agent, and any who take on with their livelihood the motto â€Å"to protect and to serve.† I believe we will most likely see and inherent desire for honor, and for glory. These in certain individuals seem to overpower the desire and will to help other people. A scholar by the name of George P. Fletcher states when looking at romanticism and its opposites, â€Å"On the one hand, we have stability, order, universality, and the boredom of the predictable and domestic. On the other hand, we have revolt, disorder, partiality, and the intense flames of lust and creativity. This is, of course, the way Romantics might describe the sentiments that move them† (p. 17). He even goes on to hint that the reason we have waged war on Iraq was because of romantic ideas. We'll stay away from that debate in this essay and just say that the idea of glory and honor is summed up completely in â€Å"Beowulf† by the line †Heaven swallowed the smoke† (L. 3155), in Lanval when he will not lie, despite the costs, despa... ...ork:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Norton. 2000. Alexander, Michael, trans. Beowulf. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. Bradley, S. A. J., trans. â€Å"Beowulf.† Anglo-Saxon Poetry: An Anthology of Old English   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Poems in Prose Translation with Introduction and Headnotes by S. A. J. Bradley.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyman's Library. London and Melbourne: Dent, 1982. Chaucer, Geoffrey. â€Å"The Canterbury Tales.† The Norton Anthology of English Literature:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6th edition New York: Norton. 1996 Donaldson, E. Talbot. â€Å"Beowulf: A New Prose Translation.† The Norton Anthology of   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  English Literature: 6th edition. New York: Norton. 1996. Fletcher, George P. Romantics at War. Princeton: Princeton UP. 2002 Laven, David, and Lucy Riall. Napoleon's Legacy: Problems of Government in Restoration   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Europe. Berg. 2000

Monday, November 11, 2019

Geography Influenced Civilization

Sakija Wilkinson HST 140 WA/4 WA2 Geography Influenced Civilization Geography influenced civilization that arose in china, in so many ways. One way was the yellow river in which ancient china basically grew out of. All of the earliest civilizations arose on flood plains of major rivers because these lands provided the fertile land required to support their civilization. The yellow river was used to contribute to china’s civilization by also being as a highway to unify and control.There was also the warring states period which came about when the steppe cavalries became a serious threat to china in northern region, which ended when Qin Kingdom conquered the rest. During this period though, there were fights among seven major kingdoms that were independent and they were fighting to gain power and to become superior to all other in authority.Geography comes in with the help of the mountains and hills that contributed toward the sturdy walls that were built by the three northern s tates to keep raids from happening with the nomads and also to defend their villages. Lui, pp. 22-23, Unit 4 Module; Politics in State Power in Great River Valley Societies). The Land, soil and river provide resources for the farming and contributed toward the ranking and freedom of certain people. â€Å"Those who devoted themselves to the fundamental enterprise and through their farming and weaving contributed much grain and cloth would be freed from tax and corvee. † (Rielly, 2010, p. 129). Also farmers served as soldiers, and because of this the portion of agriculture provided the lifeblood of the state.Food was also produced and any of the farmer-soldiers that did not produce such food for everyone in the state this would lead to them playing less of a role inside the society. It is also bee allegedly stated that with the help of agricultural land, the Qin removed the grid paths, footpaths were opened up and boundaries were set. This also led to the thought of historians which thought that these changes that were made contributed to the sale of land and made it able to be done. Rielly 4/1). There are some differences among China and Mesopotamia and there were also some similarities when it came to the civilization and geography. As it is true that the early societies and states including Mesopotamia and China all arouse along large rivers, and they were also the earliest states to become established on the earth. Many people in both civilizations, China and Mesopotamia were farmers providing crops and food for others.Since they both were river civilizations they each had its own advantages of trade routes, transportation, food, and plenty of water for drinking and also for crops at one point. China was located in eastern Asia where mountains helps a lot of their civilization and was common. These mountains cause china to be protected due to the walls that were built, and also helped out with trade which provide an upper hand for china. As for Mesopo tamia its locations was in western Asia where the lands were flat and them not being able to have much protection.Mesopotamia was big in armies and military because of their flat open land which caused them to be more advanced in military defense than china. They also had similarities in problems which seem to be something like a global pattern when it came to war, rituals and oracles being gamblers means of power. Geography played much part in civilization of the passed also when it came to similarities and differences of certain regions, and it will continue to play a part in the future as well. (Armesto pp. 89-90. Unit 4 module; The Influence of Geography on the Development of Societies and States)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on In Excess We Trust

In Liz Spayd’s essay In Excess We Trust, she states, â€Å"to be is to consume.† I believe she has come up with some very supportive details for her case, and makes a very good argument about us as American consumers. With the facts that she has presented I would agree with her viewpoints. I myself consume more then I need, and have witnessed many other people guilty of over consuming. Americans today consume more goods as a whole then we did twenty years ago. We also earn more money per household, which is proven statistically. She examines how the wealthy and poor buy a lot more than what is necessary. Everyone is screaming for more, and sometimes we still cannot get enough. We use our monthly paychecks to buy things we cannot even afford. Like going to the local Best Buy and upgrading your 27† TV to the new 72† Plasma set. This will only take four years to pay off, but having this new TV will make your life so much better. Knowing that Visa will always give you a bigger spending limit so we can go out and purchase the goods we think we need right away, and worry about paying for it later. When it comes to shopping I can tell you first hand that Americans have a knack for spending money. I know that when I go out shopping I never put a limit on how much I will spend if I find the right items. This is a terrible thing because I probably only use half of the items I purchase. Whether it is clothes, toiletries, or food there is always something that I don’t use. When I went to Old Navy’s clearance sale two months ago I found a lot of items that I just had to have. When I was done shopping I rang up a bill of over $200.00, and I now had 8 new shirts, 4 pairs of pants, and a duffle bag. At the time it seemed that I couldn’t live without them, but now there is six new shirts and a pair of jeans sitting in my closet that still have the tags on them. I know there are other people like me that will not stop at... Free Essays on In Excess We Trust Free Essays on In Excess We Trust In Liz Spayd’s essay In Excess We Trust, she states, â€Å"to be is to consume.† I believe she has come up with some very supportive details for her case, and makes a very good argument about us as American consumers. With the facts that she has presented I would agree with her viewpoints. I myself consume more then I need, and have witnessed many other people guilty of over consuming. Americans today consume more goods as a whole then we did twenty years ago. We also earn more money per household, which is proven statistically. She examines how the wealthy and poor buy a lot more than what is necessary. Everyone is screaming for more, and sometimes we still cannot get enough. We use our monthly paychecks to buy things we cannot even afford. Like going to the local Best Buy and upgrading your 27† TV to the new 72† Plasma set. This will only take four years to pay off, but having this new TV will make your life so much better. Knowing that Visa will always give you a bigger spending limit so we can go out and purchase the goods we think we need right away, and worry about paying for it later. When it comes to shopping I can tell you first hand that Americans have a knack for spending money. I know that when I go out shopping I never put a limit on how much I will spend if I find the right items. This is a terrible thing because I probably only use half of the items I purchase. Whether it is clothes, toiletries, or food there is always something that I don’t use. When I went to Old Navy’s clearance sale two months ago I found a lot of items that I just had to have. When I was done shopping I rang up a bill of over $200.00, and I now had 8 new shirts, 4 pairs of pants, and a duffle bag. At the time it seemed that I couldn’t live without them, but now there is six new shirts and a pair of jeans sitting in my closet that still have the tags on them. I know there are other people like me that will not stop at...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Scientific Experimentation That Destroys Beatrice in Rappacinis Daughter essays

The Scientific Experimentation That Destroys Beatrice in Rappacinis Daughter essays The Scientific Experimentation That Destroys Beatrice in Rappacinis Daughter Most parents would put their children ahead of their occupation at all costs. In many cases this is true, but for Rappacini in Nathaniel Hawthornes Rappacinis Daughter, his scientific experiments prove to be more important to him than his daughter Beatrices wellbeing. His selfishness leads to both the physical and emotional destruction of Beatrices romantic aspirations for Giovanni Guasconti. The unique situations encountered in Rappacinis Daughter, represent an emotional struggle for Beatrice, which relates to the different interpretations of scientific advancement during this Romantic Era. An important theme in Rappacinis Daughter is the fear of change and progress, and how Beatrice becomes intertwined with both science and nature. During this Romantic Era, many people thought that scientific advancements would destroy nature. Rappacini symbolizes the destructiveness of science, whereas Beatrice represents the beauty of nature. Outwardly Rappacini has made Beatrice a threat to nature and humanity by making her poisonous, but inwardly she thrives on natures existence. Beatrices inability to interact with any individuals besides her father and Giovanni result in her own isolationism from nature and society. Professor Pietro Baglioni also symbolizes the fear of change through his intense rivalry with Rappacini. Baglioni is a conventional doctor who practices conservative methods, whereas, Rappacini practices unconventional methods by creating medicines from poisonous plants. The competition between these two scientific doctors escalates to such an immense degre e, that Beatrices death becomes the ultimate result. Their constant rivalry and human interference in natures physical and psychological processes depicts the obvious account...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

5 - Assignment Example During this era, people used equipments to improve production operations. Scientific management methods and mass-production moving assembly lines were the innovation at that time. The supply chains at that time were suited to move the many products that were being produced. In the early 1970s, many manufacturers were good producers, but they were challenged by other firms that made higher quality products at lower costs. Therefore, the era was named lean manufacturing/quality control era, where many manufacturers mainly focused their attention on improving quality of their products. They also improved their supply chains. In the beginning of the year 1996, the information-engineering era began. Communication became the most important component in any business. The businesses have come up with effectively information technologies. In this era, the supply chains involve use the Internet and new information and communications technologies. This supply chains are faster compared to the others. The development and implementation of electricity, roads, rails, and communications systems provided ways in which supply was done. People and goods could be moved from their homes into factories. The supply chains at that time were suited to move the many products that were being produced. Therefore, the era was named lean manufacturing/quality control era, where many manufacturers mainly focused their attention on improving quality of their products. They also improved their supply chains (b) China and India and other low-cost providers in other nations that are responsible for increased outsourcing and off shoring fit into what is being said in this paper in that they develop competitive advantages. They make effective use of the Internet and other information technologies to provide high quality products at lower prices. They provide competition to other firms making them even more vigilant. This improves the global competitiveness among

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Profile of a Terrorist Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Profile of a Terrorist Group - Essay Example In the past, specifically during World War II, Chechens were forcibly removed from the region by the then Soviet leader Stalin. He accused them of cooperating with Germany’s Nazi regime, and this led to the death of tens of thousands, as many more fled for their lives. They only came back after Stalin’s death (Crenshaw, 2010). Terrorist category It is the belief of many that this group of extremists is a separatist movement, forged on ethnic lines. The minority Muslim community, that has been a part of the mountainous region in Russia, believes it is their right to lead themselves, and be free from Russia’s rule. After the Soviet collapse, there was the creation of Russian Federation Republic of Chechnya. It advocated for the independence of Chechnya through a movement famously known as Chechen All-National Congress, which made it impossible for the Russian government to take control of the region (Schaefer, 2010). In a war that lasted two years (1994-1996), this group fought the Russian government. Failure by the government to take control of the terrain led to the region being accorded de facto independence. In 1996, Russia called for a ceasefire, which prompted leaders of the separatist movement to sign a peace treaty that took effect the following year. Chechen militants had led the fight for emancipation, which allowed local movements to also plea their causes for separation from the Russian law. Militants engaged Russian authorities as they helped these local movements make a stand against the government, which led to the Second Chechen War (Tiersky & Jones, 2007). Goals of the group The goals/aims of the group were to create an independent state from Russian government/law, which would make them autonomous in their decision making and livelihood. Their means of achieving this autonomy came at a price as many Chechens died in the first and second wars, leaving tons more displaced. Emancipation being the central reason for their moveme nt, they have led attacks into Russia and other areas, which they feel that need to be emancipated from Russia’s laws. This group’s goals and aims have seen this group receive de facto independence for a short period, but this may not be the lasting solution the group is demanding (Schaefer, 2010). Support the group receives The media portrays the groups’ efforts without any bias. However, as with any war, there are some sympathizers. This is what propels the group to become relentless in their quest. Once the media relays different messages from the group to the public about its demands, wishes, and desires, it is next to impossible to predict the response that they may receive. Opponents and the government think that this is a means to attain the attention of the public to seek support in the group’s fruitless quest, which is to alienate their region from the rest of Russia. To most, this is a treacherous attempt that should be erased from the groupâ₠¬â„¢s minds. Sympathizers, mostly from the Muslim ethnic minority group think that calls for separation are long overdue, and that their actions are justified (Tiersky & Jones, 2010). The leadership, funding and capabilities of the group It is crucial for such a movement to have a stable and constant leadership figure. Since the group’s inception, four known leaders have led the separatist movement. The first was Khasan Israilov, followed by Samil Basayev, and the latest victim who died under mysterious circumstances was Abu Hafs as-Urdani. July

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 46

Discussion - Essay Example The law provides the direction to be used in paying workers that dedicate their extra hours in the business, better known as overtime (Beck, 2011). The wages and hours Act guides the business on employment of children below the required legal age. In this case, according to this act, children below 18 years should not be employed especially in risky jobs. In the agricultural sector, children below 16 years should not be employed to work during school days; instead, they should be given time to take their studies. One of the laws that has the biggest impact on business practices is the sexual harassment law. Initially, people thought that sexual harassment was only meant for women; however, a court decision happened to increase the scope of this law by including same-sex sexual harassment (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014). This came after some male employees in an oil company complained of sexual harassment from other male employees, including unwanted touching and a crude sex play. This decision is important in business practices because it aims at punishing those people fond of sexually harassing fellow employees. Sometimes, people may want to perform certain activities without knowing the boundaries they should go. This decision spells the extent to which people should make their interactions in the work place. It is important to note that some laws can be actually outdated and have to be amended. Changing lifestyles often mean news ways of life in human societies and the same should be for their laws governing their existence (Brooks & Weatherston, 2011). For instance, the sexual harassment law was initially meant to protect the welfare of women employees at the work place. However, male employees have also reported sexual harassment form other male employees and even female employees, something that has necessitated its reform and amendment. The age

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

On Site Wellness Programs in Corporate America Essay Example for Free

On Site Wellness Programs in Corporate America Essay On site wellness programs are now focal points in major corporate organizations in America, as company managers attempt to improve the health and well being of their employees, in order to control health care costs. Some health conditions can be diagnosed early by building health awareness among employees, and carrying out screening campaigns. Early diagnosis also ensures that health problems are treated on time, to decrease the risk of complications arising, thus reducing overall health care costs, and improving or maintaining employees’ optimal health status, and work performance. In the early 1990s, managed care plans were implemented, which helped in the control of increasing health care costs. Organizations continued throughout the 1990s to upgrade their health care plans, in an effort to further reduce health care costs. As we entered the beginning of the millennium, it became increasingly difficult for these modifications to contain the continuous rise in health care costs. It became clear that it was necessary have additional measures in place. Wellness in a corporate environment begins with a conscious decision to shape employees’ habits to fit into a healthy lifestyle. This conscious effort is a much better alternative in the long run, than dependency on drugs and doctors. This encompasses employee education, fitness, adequate and proper nutrition, stress reduction and mental health. Most times, employees in a corporate organization are plagued by Poor exercise habits, High stress levels, High cholesterol, Former or current use of tobacco products, and extreme weight (either too high or too low body weight). Employees whose lifestyles include health risks like smoking, drinking, and who get little or no exercise become overweight at a rate that is 75% higher than those of employees who participate in wellness programs and activities. High-risk employees at this Grand Rapids, Michigan-furniture manufacturing company who improved their health habits through the company’s health promotion program and became low risk cut their average medical claims in half thus lowering their medical insurance costs by an average of $618 per year. If all high-risk employees (20% of the total employee population) in one location changed their lifestyles to become low risk, the projected savings could total $20 million over three years. The Steelcase study that correlated health risk and lifestyle assessments with medical claim costs showed that employees who were high risk in 1985 but had shifted to a low risk profile by 1998 had much lower medical claims from 1988-1990. (2004). In 1985, Average annual claims increased from $1,155 to about $1,677. Medical claims also remained at approximately the same level for low risk employees, both in 1985 and 1988. But those who went from low risk to high risk in the same period saw an increase in their medical claims from about $655 to $1,513. Ten years into a 20-year study of Steelcase Inc, a conducted by the University of Michigan, the following results were evident high-risk employees who dropped to low-risk through participation in health and fitness programs at work decreased their average annual medical claims by 54 percent. In contrast, high-risk individuals who remained high-risk increased their costs by 26 percent. And low-risk employees who became high-risk increased their annual claims by 130 percent. To establish and continue with a corporate lifestyle that is consistent with wellness principles of wellness and well-being on a daily basis, is not an easy task . Most people who do not indulge in exercise and wellness activities say that they simply don’t have time to exercise. Indeed, various work-life surveys have shown that about 84. percent of employees in corporate organizations are in a constant struggle to maintain their fitness levels and their health. In 1999, a study on corporate wellness was carried out by the Lewin Group. This study confirmed that obesity among corporate employees greatly increases the risk of developing chronic heath conditions, and it was also discovered that about 22% of the working adult population have obesity related problems. Obesity and excess weight are directly responsible for 31% of health care costs in corporate America. The fifteen ailments involved in the study included breast cancer, arthritis, endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, Type II diabetes, end stage renal disease, gall bladder disease, heart disease, hypertension, renal cell cancer, sleep apnea, liver disease, low back pain, urinary incontinence, and stroke. People with a BMI (Body Mass Index) that is above 35 are 6. 61 times more at risk of having Type II diabetes than people with a BMI that is less than 25. employees with high BMI are also 3. 77 percent more at risk of being hypertensive. Lifestyle related conditions are disorders that can be positively or negatively impacted by lifestyle behaviors such as eating habits, wellness checkups, exercise, safety habits, and alcohol and substance abuse. Other behaviors such as adherence to physician prescribed therapies and medication have a direct impact on outcomes and utilization. By practicing healthy lifestyle behaviors and adhering to prescribed plans of care, individuals can improve their health and decrease risk of illness, accident or injury. By doing so, related health care costs can be significantly reduced. Lifestyle Related Conditions also account for over 50% of health care related costs (CDC). Research indicates that early detection and/or practice of health promoting behavior can significantly decrease the severity of Lifestyle Related Conditions (hypertensives can be removed from medication, etc. ) or even prevent their occurrence (cancer, heart disease, etc. ). There are effective programs available that use the latest behavior change techniques that are designed to reduce risks and associated costs for illness, prevent illness, and help individuals develop patterns of behavior that enhance their health. It has also been found that one in every four Americans suffer from have high blood pressure but 35% are undiagnosed (AHA). Undiagnosed individuals sometimes end up in emergency situations or when diagnosed, their illness is at a more costly, critical stage like bone fracture, stroke, heart attack, late stage cancer, blindness, and so on. 50% of men and 33% of women are going to get cancer in their lifetime; and 2/3rds of the time it could have been prevented. Research indicates that approximately 13% of women and 9% of men fail to get the care they need.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Alcohol Energy Drinks (AEDs) in Student Drinking Community

Alcohol Energy Drinks (AEDs) in Student Drinking Community Adapted McMasters Critical Review Form – Qualitative Studies Reference: Ferreira, S.E., de Mello, M.T., Pompeia, S., de Souza-Formigoni, M.L. 2006, ‘Effects of energy drink ingestion on alcohol intoxication’, Alcohol Clin Exp Research, no.30, pp.598–605. Letts, L., Wilkins, S., Law, M., Stewart, D., Bosch, J., and Westmorland, M., 2007, Guidelines for Critical Review Form: Qualitative Studies (Version 2.0), McMaster University, Hamilton. Simmon, M. and Mosher, J. 2007, Alcohol, energy drinks, and youth: a dangerous mix. San Rafael, CA: Marin Institute.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Arcimboldos Water :: Visual Arts Paintings Art

Arcimboldo's Water The picture is of a head made up of many different sea features with a plain black background. It would be nearly impossible to name all the aquatic animals that make up this head. It seams as though there is a chest plate at the top of the body which is made of a crab and there are also shoulder plates which are made up by using a turtle and a large mussel, an octopus has also attached itself to the shoulder plates. Hanging around the neck there is a necklace made of pearls. The cheek is a ray of some sort, the ear is a mussel with a pearl as an earring. There is some sort of crab in place as the eyebrows and the mouth seams to be a dogfish with its jaws open revealing all its teeth. The figure seams to be wearing a crown which is made up of whales, seals, sea horses and coral. The nose is also made up by a fish. There is an array of different colours used but only the coral and a lobster seam to be bright and really stand out. Arcimboldo has arranged this piece so that when you look at the picture you are not struck by individual features but the picture as a whole and I found that happened with me. Arcimboldo has used oil on limestone to create this picture and it seams as though he has built the picture up from the background and added layers as he painted. The ideas used are obviously derived from the sea and sea creatures and are created together in a harmonious way and it shows a sign of peace with so many different creatures layed together in harmony. I think it was made to show that people can live together peacefully just as the animals are in the picture. It shows that fighting and arguing can be discarded and that everyone can get along no matter what or who they are: within the picture many of the animals would be each others enemy and prey. I like this picture because Arcimboldo has incorporated so many different species into the image but it is still very clearly a face and shoulders. Also the message of peace is clearly illustrated and is

Thursday, October 24, 2019

When We Were Kings

â€Å"When We Were Kings† directed by Leon Gast is a documentary about the boxer Muhammad Ali and the culture of African-American people. The music is used as one of the ways to provide information for the audience about what is happening within the film. The music helps the audience establish what it was like back in the 1970’s. It also shows African-American singers and how they are proud of their heritage like BB King and James Brown. The music also functions as a symbol to get information across, for example â€Å"The Succubus. The documentary songs relate to the theme of racial relationships and African-American identity. Setting: The film is set in the 1970’s within Zaire, Africa when Mobutu Sese Seko was in charge. It shows that the village life is very poor and crowded as it was a 2nd world country because it was still developing. There were power struggles e. g. Belgian Congo and also Mobutu was ruthless as he killed 10% of the criminals in Zaire. Even though this was all happening within the country the people of Africa were proud to be African. They showed this through the 3 day musical festival, where they had there traditional singing and dancing. The film shows footages of the African children and women dancing to the beat of the drum in their traditional clothing. During the 1970’s it was an insult to call African-American people African, but when Muhammad Ali came to Africa he saw how African people were proud of their heritage and that Africans and Americans shared similar loves for things like music. Ali then realised he should be glad to be African and apart of this exciting new way of life. The documentary depicts Ali to be the â€Å"Hero† in Zaire as he is seen as someone standing up for the African people. Similarities between Africans and African-Americans: African-American people were seen unequal to white people. Their social status was seen as unworthy and below the standards of white people. The musical performances, from James Brown’s screaming, soul singing and dancing, to B. B. King’s sweat, smooth strumming on the Lucille, inspired both the African’s and American’s who travelled there. The music united and influenced the people within Zaire to watch the fight between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman. Muhammad Ali started to realise that black and white people aren’t much different, they care and love similar things such as education and music, specifically, the drums. The drums provided a sense of communication and rhythm betw een the two different cultures. The drum was the oldest instrument that the Africans used and now the African-American singers like James Brown uses it in his songs. it in his songs. Miriam Makeba – Mama Africa: Throught-out the film Miriam Makeba (Mama Africa) is singing the song â€Å"Am Am Pondo. † This is used to symbolise â€Å"Succubus. † Succubus is a women who has sexual intercourse with men in their sleep, until the tire out. This symbol was used since this is how Ali won agaist Foreman, as he let Foreman hit him until he became exhausted and then he striked with one punched and knocked him out. George Plimpton tells the story of the witch doctor who predicted that a â€Å"women with trembling hands† or a succubus in Zaire would take hold of George foreman and that he would not win the boxing match as the succubus will take all his strength and then bring Ali to victory. The filmmakers illustrate this by having Miriam Makeba perform the succubus. Everytime Foreman was shown on the documenty Miriam Makeba would be singing â€Å"Am Am Pondo† in the backgroud to indicate the Foreman does not belong in Africa and that he will get caught in Africa’s trap or being cursed by a female â€Å"Succubus. African children and women dancing to the beat of the drum in their traditional clothing. During the 1970’s it was an insult to call African-American people African, but when Muhammad Ali came to Africa he saw how African people were proud of their heritage and that Africans and Americans shared similar loves for things like music. Ali then realised he shoul d be glad to be African and apart of this exciting new way of life. The documentary depicts Ali to be the â€Å"Hero† in Zaire as he is seen as someone standing up for the African people. The film is he

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Are People Using Too Much Electronics Professor Ramos Blog

Are People Using Too Much Electronics â€Å"Your Cell Phone Will Ruin Your Vacation† James Butte 11/7/18 English 010 Ramos Are People Using Too Much Electronics? I am convinced that kids and teenagers are using too much electronics. While we should all be outside doing something like I remember we would all do in my childhood, most of my friends stay at home and rather play online with each other. Even if I have nothing to do I’ll stay and hangout like I think we’ll do something cool, they get on their headset and it is if I aren’t even there. That’s when I go home and figure something else out. Even when people are on vacation and doing something fun like parasailing, people have a very hard time just setting the phone down for a couple seconds to listen to instructions so in case of an emergency they know how to help save themselves. Some people never get off their phone the entire trip, they’ll take selfies the majority of the ride and stuff like that. Some people even skip out on the best part of the ride ( dipping their feet in the water ) just because they don’t want their Phones, cameras, Earpieces etc. To get wet. â€Å"According to a 2016 Pew Research survey, 77 percent of Americans own a smartphone, and other recent stats have found that users are on their phones an average of more than five hours per day- almost double the rate in 2013.† (http://mentalfloss.com). â€Å"The gap between Internet users and nonusers is associated with income and age, but no longer with gender and race† (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0308-5961(03)00068-5). As people used to differentiate with age and race, people are starting to differentiate more with more of what type of content their into on the internet. According to Hotels.com 81% say their smartphone is their number one travel accessory. And on average, travelers spend three hours a day looking at their mobile devices. (FOXBusiness.com).  Vacation is meant to get away from all of our stress, yet people still have a constant addiction to their phones when they probably don’t have internet service. Albers says that â€Å"by relying on our phones daily, it’s hard to disconnect for even a short period of time. Our electronic devices have arguably become extensions of ourselves, and therefore we end up living our lives through them, almost like being at a sporting event and watching a game on the jumbo screen instead†. I am also guilty of always using my phone like when I’m bored, or texting someone. I often find myself staying up till 1 in the morning because I get sucked into different apps like youtube, instagram, snapchat, and it can be hard for me to just turn the phone off and go to bed, I would defin itely say that my phone affects my quality of sleep, and I can feel my eyes trying to adjust to the dark which doesn’t seem all that healthy. Instead of posting pics to show off or not feel left out by seeing what your friends are doing, we should be more connected to our surroundings and live in the moment. I have some friends that will put almost everything they do on Facebook whether it’s going to the bathroom, eating lunch, or their views on something nobody cares about. According to Today.com â€Å"32 percent say they feel unimportant when their parents get distracted by their phones.† (Lowin). Some people have adopted the rule of no phones at the dinner table to get each other interacted and talking to each other to find out what’s going on in each other’s lives. As said by Telegraph.com â€Å"Google Maps is in danger of doing what satnav did for motorists turning them into zombies who blindly follow instructions while taking in nothing from their surroundings.† when we actually get to know our surroundings we have a better understanding of where we are, where to go, and what’s around us. We get to keep our brains exercised, if we rely on our phones forever, when we don’t have our phones we build the feeling of anxiety and we won’t know how to figure out our problems on our own. Those behind the wheel may not be the only ones at risk of a cell phone-related auto accident. So suggests a study published in January in the journal Pediatrics that shows that children are more distracted while crossing the street if they happen to be talking on a cell phone.(ABC News) People that are walking while using a phone are at 43% more risk of being hit by a car crossing the street. Excessive cell phone use can be a risk factor for mental health issues in young adults. With the constant notifications, vibrations, â€Å"In a study conducted at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, researchers examined if there is a direct link between the psychosocial aspects of cell phone use and mental health symptoms in young adults.† (MedicalDaily.com) People should worry less about their phones and live more in the moment, and be more connected with their friends and family. Sciencedirect Ronald E Rice, James E Katz. Volume 27, Issues 8–9, September–October 2003, Pages 597-623 â€Å"Comparing internet and mobile phone usage: digital divides of usage, adoption, and dropouts† Foxbusiness By Marissa Piazzola. Published July 08, 2016. Lifestyle and Budget. FOX Business. â€Å"Your Cell Phone Will Ruin Your Vacation† Today.com Aug. 6, 2015 / 11:38 AM PDT / Source: TODAY By Rebekah Lowin â€Å"How cell phones are affecting families and what to do about it† Telegraph.com Natalie Paris, travel writer 28 APRIL 2017 4:05PM â€Å"The science behind why you shouldnt take your phone on holiday† Butte 5 ABC News By DAN CHILDS ABC NEWS MEDICAL UNIT March 9, 2009 â€Å"7 Surprising Ways Cell Phones Affect Your Health† MedicalDaily.com Jul 12, 2013 01:15 PM By Lizette Borreli 5 Reasons Why Cellphones Are Bad For Your Health